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Eight articles to read on World Humanitarian Day

More aid workers died in 2021 than any year since 2013; nearly all were local staff.

Louise O'Brien/TNH

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Every year, World Humanitarian Day on 19 August is a chance to pause and reflect on the sacrifices and commitments made by the hundreds of thousands of people who dedicate themselves to emergency aid response efforts globally.

In 2021, more than 140 aid workers were killed while helping others – the highest number since 2013. And the numbers continue to show who bears the most risk on the job: 98 percent of deaths were local staff, and more than half worked for local NGOs.

To mark the occasion this year, we’ve gathered some essential reading – starting with a 25-year history of worsening violence against humanitarians and some poignant reflection from TNH co-founder, editor, and former CEO Ben Parker.

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