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Displaying 43873 - 43904 of 44513
  • Damboa
    Damboa - one of many towns torched by Boko Haram
  • IDP woman from Gwoza
    Adama Umoru
  • Adama Umoru
    Adama Umoru
  • Nigerian soldier
  • IDPs in Borno
    IDPs in Borno
  • Damboa convoy
    The daily army-escorted convoy to Damboa
  • Boko Haram torched Damboa after occupying it
  • VBID flyer
  • Suicide bomber flyer
  • Dr Fatima Akilu
    Dr Fatima Akilu
  • Abubaker Shekau
    Abubaker Shekau
  • Nigerian soldier Jos
  • Syrian refugees in Iraq’s Kurdistan region
  • Ugandan troops in CAR
  • Ugandan troops in CAR
  • Colonel Richard Otto
  • A construction worker takes care of his young daughter while two women load his basket with sand in Bhaktapur, Nepal.
  • President al-Assad's multi-million-dollar urban redevelopment project
  • Eviction notice from Basateen al-Razi
  • Basateen al-Razi in 2015. Demolitions have more recently allowed government planners to plot a new road network through Basateen al-Razi, in some places where houses once stood.
  • In 2014, gradual demolitions of crops and housing had cleared the south-western edge of the Basateen al-Razi plot, making way for the Decree 66 project HQ where Assad laid the development's foundation-stone in March 2016.
  • The informal settlement, seen here in 2011, is located in the south-western suburbs of Damascus. To the west lies Al-Mezzeh, home to key government buildings and foreign embassies, including the Iranian Embassy.
  • In 2009, before the uprising, Basateen al-Razi was typical of the many informal settlements ('ashwiyaat) that spread out on the outskirts of Syria's cities. By the mid-2000s, some 40 percent of the national population lived in informal settlements.

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