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  • 1 June 2023

The Ukraine effect: Driving up costs, driving away attention

​One year on, what has been the impact on other crises of the focus of funding and attention on Ukraine?

​A myopic media and donor focus on major crises such as the war in Ukraine, the fallout from COVID-19, and the Turkey-Syria earthquakes is diverting attention and funding from a host of other settings where people are in desperate need.

​The war in Ukraine is also increasing needs around the world by limiting wheat and fertiliser supplies – leading to rising levels of hunger – and by driving up the prices of food and fuel. That means it’s more expensive for aid agencies to help crisis-affected communities.

​We're bringing together a cross-section of the aid sector – including voices from donors, humanitarian response, national government, and civil society – for an open conversation about the challenges faced by responders working on overlooked crises. 


  • Sofía Sprechmann Sineiro, Secretary General, CARE International
  • Albino Akol Atak, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, South Sudan
  • Michael Koehler, Deputy Director-General, European Commission – DG ECHO
  • Mohanna Eljabaly, General Manager, Yemen Family Care Association
  • Stephen O’Malley, Deputy Director covering Eastern and Southern Africa, UN OCHA
  • Eric Reidy (moderator), Staff Editor and Reporter, migration and special coverage, The New Humanitarian.

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Location Online
Date 1 June 2023
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