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EU considers dialogue cornerstone of Lusaka agreement

The European Union (EU) on Friday said that it considered that the inter-Congolese dialogue constituted a cornerstone of the Lusaka agreement and was essential for the national reconciliation and the return to peace in the DRC. “The European Union therefore welcomes the holding of the meeting in Gaborone on 20 August, and urges all those participants in the inter-Congolese dialogue who have been invited by the facilitator, Mr. Masire, to go to that meeting and to take part in proceedings in a constructive spirit,” EU said in a statement. “The European Union and member states, as providers of political and financial support for the inter-Congolese dialogue, will closely follow the progress of that meeting and will assess the spirit of conciliation and the constructive and creative attitudes of those taking part,” the statement added. The EU also called on all participants to show the political courage and willingness to grasp this historic opportunity for reconciliation between all the Congolese people.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissions

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