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RCD-ML gives tips on dialogue

The rebel Rassemblement congolais pour la democratie-Mouvement de liberation (RCD-ML) has reiterated that the inter-Congolese dialogue is the strategic element of the Lusaka agreement which could pave way to a sustainable resolution of conflicts in the DRC. A statement from the movement stressed, however, that for the dialogue to be effective, it must take into account the limitations and failures of previous opportunities for a national dialogue. “Exclusion politics of one tendency and of those who represent it remains a source of possible resumption of conflict,” it said. “Therefore be inclusive at all costs,” the statement said. It urged the team to have a long-term vision and not to be rushed, adding that “all necessary time must be taken and also be inspired by all the lessons coming from similarly examples which achieved sustainable solutions”. “One must focus on the sufferings and profound aspirations of the Congolese population and not on providential individuals”. It said the dialogue must put at the centre of all its considerations the required democratisations of power, of institutions and the empowerment of the Congolese population. According to RDC-ML, the facilitator of such talks should be vigilant in particular toward practices of the dominant Congolese political culture - namely corruption and intrigues. “One must always avoid the tendency for the inter-Congolese dialogue to become a monologue,” the movement said. It warned that the current balance forces which has resulted in the balkanisation of the country must not be a point of departure for deciding the resolution of the Congolese crisis. “It is the future of the a reunited country at peace and in peace to be achieved which must be the crucial element around which to approach and overcome the current obstacles.” “The international community and the regional and African political direction must back an inter-Congolese dialogue responsive to the expectations, aspirations and requests of the entire Congolese population and not solely to one which is favourable single-mindedly to bilateral interests of states and donors,” the statement said. The dialogue, should therefore agree on the principles for the forming and functioning of a transition government, constitutional guidelines, a transition legislative assembly, the programme for the transition government, guidelines on the creation of the national army and principles of necessary economic reforms.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissions

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