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“Politically motivated” violence must stop - Amnesty

The human rights watchdog, Amnesty International, on Friday called on all parties to the Burundi conflict to refrain from “inciting violence” and other human rights abuses against unarmed civilians in the tense run-up to the 28 August signing ceremony. “The civilian population is once again being used as an expendable political bargaining tool,” the organisation said in a statement. It noted at least 44 deaths and 20 injuries in the course of August resulting from a grenade explosion, an alleged massacre by government soldiers and violent demonstrations by those opposed to the Arusha negotiations. It called on all those involved in the negotiations to ensure that human rights were better protected and promoted in the agreement. “Failure to look in detail at these issues may result in a further deterioration of the human rights situation,” it said, adding that the future of human rights, not just the division of power, was at stake. “Everyone involved in the conflict should refrain from acts which could jeopardise this future,” Amnesty warned. It also appealed to the international community to provide further political and material support to measures in the country which can in both the short and long term improve the human rights situation. An Amnesty International delegation was in Burundi from 5-19 August.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissions

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