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Alpha Abdoulaye Barry, “He was shooting into the crowd”

[Guinea] Alpha Abdoulaye Barry, says he was shot by the Guinean army during protests. [Date picture taken: 01/22/2007] Maseco Conde/IRIN

“My parents forbade me to go out of the house because of the marches. I waited for many hours on the bed, but then I needed to go to the toilet."

“There are no toilets in our house, so I went outside in the street. At that moment I heard shouting and shooting just a few metres away.”

“I ran back into the house and saw a soldier behind me. He was shooting into the crowd and one of the bullets hit me in the shoulder.”

“I immediately fell on the floor, and some minutes later the Red Cross came and took me to the hospital with my father.”

“I got first aid, but it still really hurts.”


This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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