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Two killed, 1,200 displaced in ethnic clashes in north

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At least 1,200 people were displaced following weekend clashes between two ethnic groups at Dunglaar-Gberick, Bunkurugu-Yunyoo constituency, in Ghana's Northern Region, state-owned media reported. The fighting over turf between the Japaak and Tanmon, on the one hand, and the Pulis on the other, resulted in two deaths. A third person was being treated for burns, the Daily Graphic, an Accra newspaper, reported. It quoted the Member of Parliament for the area, Berrick Numburr, as saying the death toll could rise. He also said that some 36 homes, foodstuffs and two corn mills were burnt down and 60 cows stolen during the violence that resulted when the Pulis, who were expelled from the area during fighting in 2000, returned to rebuild their homes. "The fighting has been kept in check by beefing up security," Mawusi Afele, an editor with the state-owned Ghana News Agency, told IRIN on Tuesday.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissions

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