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Children vulnerable to attacks

Children fleeing fighting in Liberia’s Lofa County and separated from their families are vulnerable to attacks by rebel and government forces while girls and women are being raped, Save the Children UK reported on Wednesday. Responding to the situation, the NGO has staff monitoring numbers and details of separated families at the points of reception. “We have also had child protection teams on the ground to assist with children who have been separated,” it reported. The children are among thousands of adults who are being trucked from the northeast corner of Bong County - adjacent to Lofa - across the St Paul River to safer sites. The operation is being undertaken by Save the Children, the Liberian government’s relief agency and other NGOs. SCF said that as soon as a proper site was identified for people being moved deeper into Bong, it and other agencies would begin delivering material aid to camp inmates and host communities. “For Save the Children this will focus on children, and young people, particularly pregnant teenagers, young mothers and youth at risk of recruitment in the conflict areas,” the NGO reported. Save is already providing similar help to people in Cape Mount County by placing vulnerable children in families.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissions

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