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AIDS help desk for truck drivers

A Namibian AIDS NGO on Tuesday said it was launching a new HIV/AIDS initiative that targets truck drivers. The AIDS Care Trust (ACT) said truck drivers were the most vulnerable to HIV infection because of the nature of their work. "Truck drivers travel long distances across borders and pick up passengers along the way. These are often women who freely exchange or are coerced into sex for a free ride," ACT director, Apere David, told the UN news service PlusNews. David said a partnership formed with Namibia's major trucking companies has created an HIV/AIDS help desk to raise levels of awareness among the drivers. "The desk will provide information services to employees of participating companies, as well as counselling and health with home based care for HIV-positive workers," David added. He said the partnership was presently assessing the cost of providing a treatment plan to truckers living with HIV/AIDS.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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