Event: What humanitarian challenges should be on your radar in 2023?
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Start your year with The New Humanitarian as we bring together policymakers and civil society leaders to discuss trends driving humanitarian crises in 2023 and what policymakers should do about them.
The effects of the war in Ukraine continue to ripple across the globe. We are near the point of no return for those on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Soaring public debt is preventing governments from being able to prepare for crises.
These trends are shaping the world – and humanitarian needs – in 2023. But what are policymakers doing about them?
Join us this Friday for a conversation with policymakers from both donor and national governments as they discuss their priorities for the year ahead, and react to yours. In addition to civil society representatives, the audience will have an opportunity to challenge the priorities of policymakers, in an effort to make policymaking more transparent, accessible and inclusive.
This event will be guided by our annual look at the trends driving humanitarian crises, informed by our editors’ coverage from hotspots around the globe and their conversations with analysts, aid workers, and individuals experiencing conflict and disasters first-hand.
This will be an essential conversation for aid workers, policymakers, donors, journalists, academics, and anyone interested in the key humanitarian issues of 2023.
Date: Friday 13 January 2023
Time: 4-5.30pm CET
Confirmed speakers:
- Sarah Charles, Assistant to the Administrator of USAID and Head of the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, who urged humanitarians not to lose sight of other major crises as the war in Ukraine dominated the 24-hour news cycle
- Carl Skau, Deputy Director General, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, who previously worked as ambassador and special envoy to Venezuela and spent time with the UN in Africa and Latin America before joining the Swedish Foreign Service.
- Fred Bauma, known as the ‘Gandhi of the Congo’, a democracy activist who encourages young people to create a better future through political participation and social entrepreneurship
- Ahmed Khalif, Somalia country director for Action Against Hunger, who warned that funds for lifesaving response often lag months behind needs
- Dr. Banak Joshua Dei Wal, Director-General of Disaster Management and National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Focal Point for the Republic of South Sudan, who has spoken in depth about resilience building at community and city levels in response to climate change
- Heba Aly (moderator), CEO, The New Humanitarian, whose reporting specifically focuses on overlooked crises.