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Medical team from Kinshasa to arrive in east

Map of Guinea showing location of Forest Region. IRIN
Nouvel accrochage entre l'armée guinéenne et des combattants des forces rebelles
The test results taken from five cases of haemorrhagic fever in northeastern DRC will probably be known late Thursday, Marc Biot of MSF-Belgium told IRIN. The NGO, which has a team on the ground, will on Friday be joined by experts from Kinshasa after landing rights for their plane was agreed with the rebel authorities in the Watsa area. Biot said there had been no more deaths from the epidemic, but further investigations were necessary to check on the local population. One of the deceased is a local doctor who had been treating the community. The total number of recorded cases so far, according to MSF, is 76. Figures issued by the World Health Organisation put the number of deaths at 63.Humanitarian sources have said it appears unlikely the disease is caused by the Ebola virus.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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