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WFP warns of worsening food shortages in Gikongoro province

Assessments conducted during August indicate worsening food shortages in Gikongoro province, due largely to heavy rains in March and April that caused serious damage to crops in almost all districts of the province, WFP reported in its monthly update for Rwanda. The districts of Nshili, Kivu, Rukondo and Musebeya were most affected, where over 2,000 hectares of crops such as potatoes, peas, beans and maize were damaged. In other districts of the province, namely Kinyamakara, Karama, Karambo and Nyamagabe, chronic food insecurity as a result of poor soils has exacerbated food insecurity. A coordination meeting of all international and national NGOs involved in agriculture in Gikongoro province was held during the month to discuss the deteriorating food security situation, and called for more food-for-work activities to meet the short-term needs of those most affected by shortages. WFP also reported that it distributed 1,861 mt of food aid to 102,260 Rwandans during the month of August. Beneficiaries included 10,567 persons in selective feeding programmes; 29,061 refugees; 3,167 returnees; 15,994 food-for-work participants; and 43,471 persons in food for training activities. Some 56,943 of the total beneficiaries were female.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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