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Security “satisfactory” - governors

Burundi’s regional commanders and governors on Thursday told President Buyoya that security was “satisfactory” in the country except in the provinces of Bujumbura Rural and those bordering Tanzania, the Agence burundaise de presse (ABP) said. Buyoya, for his part, urged them to “do everything possible” to implement cooperation between the administration, the people and the security forces because “experience has shown that such cooperation worked well”. Humanitarian sources told IRIN on Thursday that although reports on the security situation in the country were “confusing” at the moment, there were two incidents in two sites for displaced people. “One happened in Mugeni south of Kayogoro, Makamba province while another took place at Kiyange [near Ngozi],” the source said. The number of casualties was conflicting, “although four soldiers and eight civilians are said to have died in the attacks”, the source added. Both attacks took place last weekend.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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