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Government urges calm after Arusha talks

The Burundi government has called for a compromise peace accord acceptable to all Burundians in order to avoid an "agreement without a future". In a statement, received by IRIN, the government said it hoped for a peace settlement as soon as possible but stressed that "favourable conditions" should be created for its implementation. There would be no imposition of a solution, the statement said. "Some people think, wrongly, that [Nelson] Mandela's speech [during last week's Arusha peace talks] has put an end to the debate or negotiations," the statement said. "President Mandela is there solely to help Burundians bring together their points of view...he is aware of this." The government urged people not to give in to panic, emotion and fear ahead of the possible taking of "crucial decisions" as this could compromise the peace process and encourage radicalism. "On the contrary, this is the time to demonstrate calm, lucidity and the logic of compromise," the statement said.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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