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Human rights group concerned over growing insecurity

The Burundian human rights organisation, Iteka, has expressed concern over growing insecurity in southern and eastern parts of Burundi. It said very often civilians were caught up in the clashes between rebels and the army, particularly in Bujumbura rural, in the southern province of Makamba and the eastern province of Ruyigi. Fighting since January this year had left 2,045 households displaced in parts of Makamba, while in Ruyigi, 6,000 displaced people had gathered in the areas of Giharo and Nyabitsinda. Iteka said the rebellion, which had moved from bases in DRC to Tanzania, was "intensively recruiting" young men into its ranks. It quoted local officials as saying the Kigoma authorities in Tanzania had refused to hold talks with their counterparts in Makamba. Iteka reiterated its call for a ceasefire in the Burundi fighting and urged participants in the Arusha peace process to "show proof" of their desire for a peaceful solution to the country's problems.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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