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The objectives of the IDP Convention

  • Promote and strengthen regional and national measures to prevent or mitigate, prohibit and eliminate root causes of internal displacement as well as provide for durable solutions;
  • Establish a legal framework for preventing internal displacement, where possible, and protecting and assisting internally displaced persons in Africa.
  • Establish a legal framework for solidarity, cooperation, promotion of durable solutions and mutual support between the state parties to combat displacement and address its consequences;
  • Provide for the obligations and responsibilities of the states parties, with respect to the prevention of internal displacement and protection of, and assistance, to internally displaced persons;
  • Provide for the respective obligations, responsibilities and roles of armed groups, non-state actors and other relevant actors, including civil society organizations, with respect to the prevention of internal displacement and protection of, and assistance to, internally displaced persons.
    After adoption, a plan of action will be put in place to implement the convention.

    SOURCE: African Union Commission

  • This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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